Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Look for the free trial in requirements management software

If you are like 99 percent of the world's population you have no idea what is meant by requirements management, even after reading about it on Wikipedia like we just did.

Here's how we understand it:

People working in product development, whether it's for a widget or software, are told what the product needs to do. These are called requirements, as in the product is required to do something in particular.

Often, the requirements will change as the development progresses, or the client decides to add something new. Keeping track of all the requirements can at times become problematic, especially if the changes are coming at the manager from a variety of sources, such as meeting minutes, emails, phone calls, or even little sticky notes left on the office door.

Fortunately for today's product development manager software is available to make this job much easier. But how does the manager decide which software is best for their needs?

How about a free trial of the Requirements Management Software - a real try-it-before-you-buy-it offer.

But what are the features a manager should look for when making an evaluation?

First, the manager should consider if the software is available on demand, which makes it accessible from any computer with Internet access. This is important so the developers can post their progress and the manager can keep track of the changes.

Another important feature is the ability to quickly add fields to the software as the development progresses and additions are added. This is especially important to track what are called dependencies. For example, if Requirement #1 is dependent on Requirement #2, then the manager can make sure everything is in place.

Now, you know just about as much as we do about Requirements Management Software, but if you know more, please feel free to share your knowledge with us.

As the man said, knowledge is power, and don't we all want to be powerful?


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