Friday, March 03, 2006

Teacher Suspended Over Classroom Lecture

A teacher at Overland High School as been placed on paid leave following complaints that he violated school policy on providing both sides of an issue.

Jay Bennish, the teacher in question, has definite left-leaning ideas and a student in his class secretly taped his comments on his MP3 and gave them to his dad who sent or took the recording to a local radio talk show.

Predictably, the right is cheering, some calling for his firing. Michelle Malkin in her usual sensitive way described it this way: "Bush-bashing, capitalism-hating high school teacher's screeching diatribe." She also said he needs "medical help."

The left is protesting the violation of his right to free speech.

Just another example of the polarization of America following the installation of a "uniter, not a divider" in the White House.


Blogger iAmerican said...

Any true American who watches the above, free video will recognize the fact that Bush committed 9/11 the same as his grandfather's client, Adolf Hitler(Google "Prescott Thyssen Auschwitz"), committed the Reichstag Fire.

Inarguably, Bush is Hitler-redux.

Schoolteacher Jay Bennish is simply putting forward thoughts that any who claim spiritual descent from the Jeffersonian Whig Founders of the United States of America should have been realizing right after they heard GHW Bush's public statement confirming his "inability" to recall his whereabouts upon hearing of President Kennedy's assassination: W's only "qualification" for office.

Death for Treasonzquhogu

7:39 AM  

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