Monday, January 08, 2007

Impeachment will not happen

There are many efforts underway (and have been for years) calling for impeachment of President Bush such as,, and

But the new Democratic leaders has declared impeachment off the table.

Recently some columnists have been bringin the impeachment issue up, pointing out that the Nixon impeachment was at one point off the table until the people rose up in indignation.

But, folks, America is a lot different now than it was in 1973-74. We have become fat and lazy, waiting for someone else to take action. The idealism of 30 years ago is dead. The idealists now have families, mortgages, car payments, etc. The young have no interest in changing things because they think there's nothing in it for them.

No, impeachment will not happen. Don't believe it? Wait and see how few turn out for the big impeachment rally in Washington later this month.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:31 PM  

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