Friday, February 02, 2007

Bush Still Lying; People Still Dying

As Doug Thompson points out in this piece at Capitol Hill Blue, the presidency of George W. Bush will be forever remembered for all its lies.

Thompson writes:
Most politicians lie. They call it “spin” or “positioning” or “situation analysis” but evasion of truth becomes part of political life.

Yet lying is so ingrained into the Bush Administration that it now is impossible to accept, on face value, anything the President or his appointees say.
How true. Whenever I see Bush's lips move I know he's spouting lies.

The man has lost credibility, if indeed he ever had any to begin with, with all Americans who can think for themselves.

What a sad, tragic state of affairs. Will Congress stand up to his lies?

Oh, they'll make a show to get a sound bite or two, but nothing will change until fundamental alterations are made into how we elect our so-called leaders. After all, they, too, are politicians and are dependent upon large campaign donations from the Corporacracy.

Will the American people finally rise up and force change? Don't hold your breath.


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