Friday, July 20, 2007

Dems Keep Losing

Despite all the rhetoric, Congressional Democrats are so impotent they still can't stand up to the Bush Administration.

By now you'd think the lackluster Democratic leadership of Congress would have learned. They may have a majority in the House and Senate but they don't have either the power or the legislative savvy to defeat the despotic rule of President George W. Bush or his GOP lemmings on the Hill.

This point became all too clear Wednesday as the Republican minority defeated yet another grandstanding attempt by the Democratic majority to change the course of Bush's failed Iraq war.

The all-night debate, staged by Democrats to showcase "the importance of the issue," lumbered to a sleep-deprived halt as Democrats fell eight votes short of the 60 needed to even get a vote on whether or not to pull troops out of Iraq.

Like all previous attempts by Senate Democrats, the effort failed and failed miserably.


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